A message for our valued customers and partners: This site is retiring, including accounts and API keys, as we migrate to the new developer portal. If you use existing API keys you will be contacted with further migration instructions. Accounts and API keys are not shared between this developer portal and the new developer portal. We recommend you review the new portal's Get Started guide for details on registering a new developer account and requesting new API keys.

Get Files


Get Files

Picks up files for a SLIM integration

Resource URL

https://test-apis.us-east-1.libertymutual.com/slim /integrations/{integrationKey}/get-files

Header Parameters

Name Description

OAuth token for the request e.g. 'Bearer XXXXXX'

Request Body


Name Type Description


Code Examples

Resource Summary



Trigger File Pick Up


HTTP Code Description

403 - Client Id Disabled

Picks up files for a SLIM integration

403 - No Get

Picks up files for a SLIM integration

403 - Get-Files Permissions

Picks up files for a SLIM integration

403 - No Client ID

Picks up files for a SLIM integration
